Monday 7 May 2012

Mom - Book 7 - The Overlook by Michael Connelly

Murder mystery set in LA after 9/11. It shows how law enforcement agencies can be so focused on terrorism that they forget to look at the crime.

Easy read.

Mom - Book 6 - The Painted House by John Grisham

Unusal for a Grisham this book is not set in a courtroom. It tells the story of a family who run a cotton farm in the late 50s and the changing attitudes to farming in rural US.

Good read!

Mom - Book 5 - The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Set in the early 1960s the story is told by Aibileen, a black maid who has spent her working life holding back the agonies of raising and loving the white children who grow up to perpetuate the racial divide; Minnie, a black maid who finds amazing resources to deal with her own servitude; and Skeeter, the white woman who learns the aweful truth of the racialized South from the women she writes about.

Fantastic book about courage and a very unlikely set of friendships.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Mom - Book 4 - Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

I have read this before but after reading a couple of environmental books I want to get back to the begining of environmental awareness in North America.

Awesome Book!! Carson was a woman before her time.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Jenn Book 4 Week 3 - The Frailty Myth by Colette Dowling

This book I have also read before it is one of my favorites. This book debunks the myth that women are the weaker sex and goes into scientific detail about how and why and where it came from. Good read, specially when you have daughter :D

Sunday 15 January 2012

Mom - Book 3 - Planet Walker: 22 years of walking; 17 years of silence

By John Francis, Ph D

In 1971 he witnessed an oil spill and as part of the clean up efforts he helped to scrub birds to try to save them. He was so distressed at what he saw that he took off walking and ended up walking for 22 years, of which 17 of them he didnt speak.

Friday 13 January 2012

Jenn Book 3 Week 2- Anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss, PH.D.

This is the mind, nutritional and spiritual connection. Got this one for school I have read it before.